Use of Semicolon in the PRINT statement
The different quantities appearing in the list of the PRINT statement can be separated by semicolons. For instance, we can specify 33 PRINT A; B; -8; D/EWhen the semicolon is used as the delimiter, there is less space between the printed values. i.e values are ‘squeezed’ and we get results in a ‘packed’ format.Eg: 34 PRINT 2116; 126; -67The printed output may appear as 2116 126 -67 35 PRINT “GOBIND” ; ”SINGH” The output generated appear as GOBINDSINGHIf you wish to have a space between the words GOBIND and SINGH, specify statement 35 as 35 PRINT “GOBIND”; “^”; “SINGH” Or as 35 PRINT “GOBIND^” ; “SINGH”semicolons and commas may be mixed in the PRINT list items Eg: 38 PRINT “P=”; -20, “Q=”; 7777This generates the output as P = -20 Q= 7777Program :Let X = 1.11, Y = 2.22, Z= 3.33. Develop a program to compute X2+Y2 +Z2 and X3+Y3 +Z3. 10 LET X=1.11 20 LET Y=2.22 30 LET Z=3.33 40 LET S =X^2+Y^2+Z^2 50 LET C= X^3+Y^3+Z^3 60 PRINT X, Y, Z, S, C 70 STOP 80 END
Last modified: Wednesday, 18 January 2012, 11:08 PM