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The REM statement
This statement is used to insert remarks (REMarks) or identification comments in a program. The form of the REM statement is The comments may be any message not enclosed between quotes. Eg: 29 REM THIS PROGRAM CALCULATES 30 REM THE SUM OF THREE NUMBERS when the comment cannot be contained in one line, it may be continued on the next line with new line number and the word REM. Program One foot = 12.0 inches, one inch = 2.54 centimeters. Develop a program to compute inches and feet of 76.2 centimeters. Print the result as CM = INCHES = FEET = 10 REM PROGRAM TO COMPUTE INCHES AND 20 REM FEET WHEN GIVEN DATUM IS IN CM 30 READ A, B, C 40 DATA 12.0, 2.54, 76.2 50 J=C/B 60 REM VARIABLE J STORES THE NUMBER OF 70 REM INCHES IN C CENTIMETERS 80 F=J/A 90 REM VARIABLE F STORES THE NUMBER OF 100 REM FEET IN J INCHES 110 PRINT “CM =”, C,”INCHES=”,J.”FEET =”, F 120 STOP 130 END |
Last modified: Wednesday, 18 January 2012, 11:12 PM