

    Sorghum grain contains about 70 per cent carbohydrates, 10-12 per cent proteinand three per cent fat. It can satisfactorily replace other grains in the feeding programme for dairy cattle, poultry and swine.

    Sorghum is used for food, feed and forage. The grains are used in Chapati or eaten like rice after boiling or as popped grains. The grains are also used as a feed for cattle, swine, poultry and birds. Green fodder and stover is palatable to milch and draft animals. Industrial uses of sorghum are in fortification of food, preparation of malt,beverage alcohol. Sweet sorghum varieties (17.8% brix) are used in extraction of raw sugar.
    Fig: Roti.  Fig: Juice extraction.
Fig: Roti. Fig: Juice extraction.
    Fig: Beverages.
Fig: Beverages.

Last modified: Tuesday, 17 January 2012, 6:36 AM