Brinjal shoot and fruit borer
Brinjal shoot and fruit borer
1. Brinjal shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis (Pyraustidae: Lepidoptera)
Distribution: Indian sub continent, South Africa. Congo, Laos, Thailand and Malaysia.
Host plants:
- Most destructive pest of egg plant.
- Has also been reported from potato, and other solanaceous vegetables
- Damages the crop from seedling stage till the harvest
- In young plants, the caterpillars result in dead hearts
- Later on they bore into flower buds and fruits
- Enter from under the calyx, seal the hole with excreta
- The damaged flower buds are shed without blossoming
- Fruits show circular exit holes.
- These fruits become unfit for human consumption and lose market value
- Infestation up to 70 per cent may be recorded
- Eggs are flattened elliptical, 0.5 mm, creamy white
- Full grown caterpillars are 15-18 mm long and light pink in colour
- Moths are medium sized with white wings.
- Fore wings have conspicuous black and brown patches and dots.
- Hind wings are opalescent with black dots along the margins.
- Wing span is 22-26 mm.
Life cycle:
- A single female lays about 250 eggs
- Eggs hatch in 3-5 and 7-8 days during summer and winter, respectively.
- Larval duration is 12-15 days (summer) and 22 days (winter).
- Prepupal period is 3-4 days
- Pupal period lasts for 7-10 days during summer and about 15 days during winter.
Salient features:
- The pest remains active throughout the year in moderate climate
- Eggs are laid singly on ventral surface of leaves, shoots, flower buds and sometimes on fruits also
- Pupation takes place on stems or fruits in grey colours tough cocoons.
- Pest over winters in the larval stage.
- Avoid continuous cropping.
- Grow less susceptible varieties like Arka Kesav, Pusa Purple Round, Arka Kasumakar, Pusa Purple Cluster, Pusa Purple Long, Punjab Barsati, Kalyanpur 2, Punjab Chamkila
- Intercropping with coriander/ fennel as single row/ double row or border crop
- Collect all attacked shoots and fruits at regular intervals and burry them deep.
- Use sex pheromones @ 100/ ha (10x10m)
- Periodic releases of Trichogramma chilonis @ 100000 parasitised eggs/ha
- Bt formulations @ 500g/ha
- NSKE @ 4.0 per cent.
- Spray cypermethrin (0.01%) of fenvalerate (0.01%) or deltamethrin (0.0028%) or cartap hydrochloride (0.2%).
- Parasitoids like Trathala flavoorbitalis and Goryphus nursei are also active against this pest in nature.
Last modified: Wednesday, 7 March 2012, 6:57 AM