Leaf hoppers
Leaf hoppers
6. Leaf hoppers
- Important species:
- Amrasca biguttula biguttula
- Empoasca binotata
- E. parathea
- E. punjabensis
- Family: Cicadellidae
- Order : Hemiptera
A. Biguttula is more common and destructive
- Nymphs and adults suck the cell sap from ventral surface of leaves and inject toxic saliva into plant tissue
- Transmit viral disease called as little leaf
Detailed life cycle and management have been discussed under insect pests of okra
7. Aphids
Important species:
- Cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii)
- Peach green aphid (Myzus pessicae).
Family: Aphididae
Order: Hemiptera
Distribution: Cosmopolitan
Hosts: Polyphagous
- Nymphs and adults, such the cell sap from leaves and tender apical shoots.
- The affected parts turn yellow, get deformed and dry away.
- Excrete honey dew on which sooty mould grows
- Interferes with the photosynthesis
- The infested plants become weak, pale and stunted in growth and consequently bear small sized fruits
- Nymphs of Aphis gossypii are greenish brown or yellowish in colour
- Adults are yellowish green to dark green, 1mm, a pair of siphuculi near the posterior side of the abdomen.
- Wings when present are transparent with black veins.
- Adults of M. persicae are usually green in colour but may be pale brown to pinkish, 1.5-2.5 mm long with long clave siphunculi.
Life cycle:
- A. gossypii breeds during winter or a number of vegetables including egg plant
- Migrate in the month of April to melon and by June end return to cotton.
- Reproduction in parthenogenetic viviparous but during cooler winter, eggs laid
- When the temperature rises, the eggs hatch and nymphs starts feeding on blossoms.
- They mature in 3-4 days and reproduce parthenogenetically.
- When temperature rises and there is overcrowding, the alates are produced which migrate to other crops including egg plant.
- With the fall of temperature during winter again these aphids migrate to temperate fruits.
- Two to three sprays of dimethoate (0.05%) or metasystox (0.025%).
- Less susceptible varieties: GB1, GB6, Selection 1 and selection 4 should be preferred
- Predators like coccinellids, nymphets and some parasitoids are also active against these pests naturally
Minor pests of egg plant:
Cotton Aphid
Brinjal leaf roller,
Eublemma olivacea
(Noctuidue: Lepidoptera)
Leaf roller
Antoba olivacea
(Noctuidue: Lepidoptera)
Green potato bug
Nezara viridula
(Pentatomidae: Hemiptera)
Amrasca devastans, Amrasea biguttula
(Cicadellidae: Hemiptera)
Pumpkin stink bug
Aspongopus janus
Pentatomidae: Hemiptera
Brinjal meely bug
Planococcus insolita
Pseudococcidae: Hemiptera)
Leaf webber
Parsa bipunctalis
Pyraustidae: Lepidoptera
Last modified: Saturday, 3 March 2012, 6:21 AM