White grubs
White grubs
2. White grubs
Family: Scarabaeidae, Order: Coleoptera Important species under the family Scarabaeidae are given sub-family wise as under
- Brahmina coriacea
- B. crinicollis
- B. flavoserica
- Melolontha indica
- Holotrichia longipennis
- H. repitita
- H. rustica
- H. serrata
- H. conferata
- H. excise
- H. torticollis
- Anomala dimidiata
- A. polita
- A. rugosa
- A. rufiventris
- A. communis
- A. nathani
- Xylotrupes gideon
- Phyllognathus dionysius
Distribution: Cosmopolitan in distribution
Host range: Polyphagous, damage almost all the vegetable crops, pulses, oilseeds, cereals, millets, potato, tobacco, sorghum, groundnut, maize, soybean, chillies, ornamental plants, forest nurseries, etc
- Both grubs and adults are damaging.
- Grubs feed on underground plant parts of various crops.
- Potato grown during summer as rainfed is prone to attack by these grubs.
- Older second instar and third instar grubs are more damaging
- Due to concealed feeding white grubs generally remain unnoticed and at harvest a large number of tubers are found infested/damaged.
- Sometimes up to 80 per cent of the crop may be lost.
- White grubs are also found to feed on the roots of horticultural/ forest nurseries and some ornamental plants.
- White grubs are serious pests of turf grass too
- Adult beetles feed on the foliage of many trees
- Freshly laid eggs are creamy white which turns dirty white before hatching.
- Full grown larvae of Brahmina coriacea are 35-38 mm in length āCā shaped.
- Beetles are of different colours
Life cycle
- Incubation period is 7-12 days.
- There are three larval instars.
- The duration of respective instars is about 20, 30 and 75 day.
- Total larval duration is about 125 days.
- Pupal period ranges from 12-20 days.
- Adult longevity ranges between 15 and 145 days.
- There is only one generation in a year
Salient features
- Beetles emerge during monsoon
- Lay eggs in soil
- Eggs are laid singly in 2-7 installments.
- Each female lays 4-40 eggs in its life span.
- The pest passes winter as grub in earthen cells.
- Pupate in cells during April ā May.
- Two to three deep ploughings immediately after harvest before potato planting.
- Collect grubs from soil while ploughing the field and kill them.
- Remove weeds from bunds and super fluous plants from the vicinity of potato fields.
- Seed potatoes should be planted little deep (8-10 cm) instead of normal depth (6 cm).
- Apply only well rotten FYM
- Collect/trap adult beetles during May-June at night and kill them
- Spray host trees with chlorpyriphos (0.04%) or quinalphos (0.1%) immediately after first monsoon shower.
- Application of phorate10G (25-30Kg/ha) or carbofuran 3G (80-100Kg/ha) near plant base at the time of earthing up or drenching of ridges with chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ 2.5L/ha is effective against these pests. Drenching can be repeated after 20-25 days.
- Potato crop should be harvested immediately after required maturity i.e. by September. Crop left beyond September suffers more
Other pests
- Hadda beetles: Discussed under egg plant
- Cutworms: Discussed under cole crops
- Tomato fruit borer: Discussed under tomato
- Aphids: Myzus persicae and Aphis gossypii
- Leaf hoppers, Amrasca biguttula biguttula
- Whitefly, Bemisia tabaci
- Phytophagous mites
- Green potato bug, Nezara viridula
Last modified: Saturday, 3 March 2012, 8:17 AM