Tobacco caterpillar and Others
Tobacco caterpillar and Others
4. Tobacco caterpillar, Spodoptera litura (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera)
- Distribution: Tthrough out the tropical and subtropical parts of the world
- Host plants: Atacks tobacco, castor, cruciferous crops, tomato, chrysanthemum, gladiolus and many other plants.
- Damage is caused by the caterpillars
- Early instars feed gregariously
- Scrapping the chlorophyll content from the leaves and skelotonising them
- Later instars scatter and feed voraciously eating the entire leaf
Life cycle
- Eggs hatch in 3-5 days
- Larvae become full fed in 15-30 days
- Six larval stages.
- Pupal stage lasts for 7-15 days
- Total life cycle in completed in 32-80 day
- Many overlapping generations in a year.
Salient features
- The pest breeds throughout the year
- Lay eggs in cluster covered with brown hairs
- Newly emerged larvae feed gregariously
- Older larvae disperse to feed individually on the foliage
- Pupate in soil
- Collect early gregarious larval instars and destroy them before they got scattered.
- Spray the crop with deltamethrin (0.0028%)
- Repeat the spray as and when required
5. Cutworms Important species:
- Agrotis segetum
- A. ipsilon
- Family: Noctuidae
- Order: Lepidoptera
- Distribution: All over the world
- Hosts: Polyphagous
Damage: (Also see insect pests of cole crops)
- Damage is caused by the caterpillars
- Attack mainly the newly grown gladiolus plants
- Larvae feed during night on emerging shoots
- Also attack the under ground corms thus causing the yellowing of leaves
Life cycle:
- Moths are active during night and lay 200-350 eggs/ female.
- Oviposition continuous for 5-10 days.
- Incubation period varies from 2-12 days
- Larvae are nocturnal
- They cut the newly grown plant at the ground level and feed on the tender leaves
- Caterpillars also feed on the underground corms
- Light traps help in collecting and killing of adults.
- Use of poison bait consisting of carbaryl (0.1%) or malathion (0.1%) in wheat bran and molasses.
- Deep ploughing exposes larvae and pupae
- Drenching of infested area with chlorpyriphos (0.04%) help in controlling the larvae.
6. White grubs
- (For details see insect pests of potato)
7. Blister beetles
- (For details see insect pests of beans)
Last modified: Saturday, 3 March 2012, 8:36 AM