Rhizome weevil
Rhizome weevil
6. Rhizome weevil, Prodioctes haematicus (Curculionidae: Coleoptera)
Distribution: Different states of south India.
- Damage is caused by grubs
- Tunnel and feed inside the rhizomes
- Death of entire plumps of the cardamom plants.
- The adult is a brown weevil measuring 12 mm in length.
Life cycle
- Grubs emerge from the eggs in 8-10 days
- Larvae become full fed in three weeks
- Pupate for 3 weeks.
- Adult weevils live for 7-8 months.
- There in only one generation in a year.
Salient features
- The weevils emerge during April, soon after an early shower of the monsoons
- Bore into the rhizomes by making tunnels
- Larvae feed inside the rhizomes and become full fed in three weeks
- They pupate within the feeding tunnels
- Destroy effected plants/seedlings
- If grub population is more in the soil, drench with 1.25 L of malathion 50 EC in 625 L of water per hectare
Insect pests of large cardamom
- Hairy caterpillars, Clelea plumbiola
- Stem borer, Glyphipterix sp.
- Beetles, Chrysomela sp
- Georgria quadrimaculata
- White grubs
Minor pests of cardamom:
- Wingless grasshoppers, Orthacris sp. (Acrididae: Orthoptera)
- Leafhopper, Tettigoniella ferruginea (Cicadellidae: Hemiptera)
- Spittle bug, Aphrophora nuwarans (Aphrophoridae: Hemiptera)
- Banana lace wing bug, Stephanitis typica (Tingidae: Hemiptera)
- Thrips, Leewania maculans (Thripidae: Thysanoptera)
- The bag worm, Acanthopsyche bipars (Psychidae: Lepidoptera)
- Root borer, Hilarographa caminodes (Plutellidae: Lepidoptera).
- Cutworm, Nocloa plagiata (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera)
- Root gall midge, Hallomyia cardamomi (Cecidomyiidae : Diptera)
Last modified: Saturday, 3 March 2012, 8:45 AM