Harvesting and processing

Harvesting and processing

    The plants attain normal height and girth after 8 to 10 years of growth when they are ready for tapping the gum.
    Processing (Gum tapping )
    Gum Dried gum
    For tapping the gum which is present in the Balsam canals in the phloem a shallow incision a small quantity of Guggul gum in the bark. While making the incision a small quantity of Guggul gum mixed with water may be applied to the incised place using the prick chisel. The sharp end of the chisel is dipped in the Guggul solution and incision is made on the bark carefully. Usually the incision is made after November month but before April. The resin is collected at an interval of 10-15 days. Weather conditions influence the success of obtaining gum.

    From a 10 year old plant, about 700-900 g of gum resin may be obtained. This is turn may give a yield of about 700-900 kg of gum resin per hectare.


Last modified: Friday, 2 December 2011, 4:30 AM