

    It is practically a desert plant .Faster growth of the plants is observed in soils which have moisture retaining capacity. An average soil which has good drainage capacity is suitable for its cultivation.

    The crop prefers a warm dry climate and hence quite suitable for dry regions. The plant is susceptible to the frost and hence such situation should be avoided for growing this crop.

    Guggul can be propagated by seeds and vegetatively through stem cuttings. However as the propagation through vegetative mean is easy, it is preferred over seed propagation.

    The land is prepared well in advance of rainy seasons by 2.3 ploughing and laid out into plots of convenient sizes. Pits of size 0.5 x 0.5 m (0.5 m2) are dug at the spacing of 3x3 m. They are filled with FYM and top soil. The rooted cuttings are planted in the pits during the rainy season. As the plant grows they are trained properly by cutting the side branches.

    Fertilizer application
    The crop has not shown good response to fertilizers expect to low level or nitrogen fertilization. Hence urea or ammonium sulphate @ 25/50 g per bush is given twice a year before irrigation.

    Light irrigation during summer season is required.

    Inter cultivation
    Weeding and hoeing in the early stages of growth and stirring of soli around the bushes twice in a year is beneficial to increase the growth of plants.

Last modified: Tuesday, 3 April 2012, 10:34 AM