Seed health
- The health of seed refers to the presence or absence of disease organisms/insect pests on seeds. The quality of a seed lot very much depends on its health.
- In addition it also should possess the following characters
- It should have good shape, size, colour, etc., according to specifications of variety
- It should be free from other crop seeds,
- It should be free from objectionable weed seeds.
- It should be free from designated diseases
- It should posses high longevity and shelf life
- It should have optimum moisture content for storage
- It should have high market value
- The availability of quality seeds in time and at affordable price is a prime factor to produce uniform, healthy and vigorous crop that results in higher productivity. In hoticulture, quality seed has got the following significance .
Last modified: Saturday, 24 March 2012, 5:07 PM