

    • Onion is the biennial crop and takes two full seasons to produce seeds.
    • In the first year bulbs are formed and in the second year stalks are developed and produced seeds.
    • It is a long-day plant. The day length influences bulb onion, but has little effect on induction of seeding.
    • It appears to be day-nautral for seed production.
    • It requires cool conditions during early development of the bulb crop and during early growth of seed stalk. Varieties bolt readily between 10 to15° C.
    • In the early stages of growth, a good supply of moisture is required and temperatures should be fairly cool.
    • During bulbing, harvesting and curing of seed, fairly high temperatures and low humidity is desirable.
    • Seed production is widely adapted to temperate and sub-tropical regions.
    Onion flower & Seed

Last modified: Monday, 25 June 2012, 4:47 AM