- Flowering does not occur in all the varieties.
- Flowers are born on terminal panicle.
- It is monoecious plant male flowers at tip of the inflorescence and female at bottom male flowers have stamens in two whorls of each five stamens.
- Anthers are small, one ovary is located on 10 lobed granular disc. It has three locules, each locule having single ovate.
- Stigma has three lobes united to form a single style.
- Female flowers opened first (Protogynous) followed by male flowers.
- Pollinating agent are insects. Maturation period is 3-5 months.
- Matured fruits are capsule, globular and it has three locules each containing single seed.
- Seed is oval in shape or ellipsoidal 1 to 1.5 cm length.
- Seeds are brittle with gray coloured marks. It has carancle tissue over microployar region that helps water absorption.
Last modified: Wednesday, 11 January 2012, 9:50 PM