Seed certification agency
- Seed certification
- Seed law enforcement
- Grow out test
- Issuing of certificate for transport of seeds
- Training and Liaison
1. Seed certification
(a) Outlines the procedure for seed certification, which includes submission of application, growing, harvesting, processing, storage and labeling of seeds.(b) Inspection of fields to ensure that minimum standards for seed source, land requirements, isolation, off types, pollen shedders, shedding tassels, objectionable weed plants, designated diseases and similar factors are maintained at all times. (c) Inspection of seed processing plants to seed that the admixtures of other kinds and varieties are not introduced. (d) Arrange of seed sampling, analysis of sample and issue of certificate in accordance with the provisions of the seed Act and Seed Rules. (e) Maintain the list of recognized breeders of seed, required records to verify the production of certified seeds. (f) Monitor the Breeder seed production plots by constituting a monitoring team. 2. Seed Law Enforcement
- Seed inspectors will visit the premises of seed distribution agencies, inspect seed lots produced, take samples of seed, as per the procedure and have such samples tested to ensure that the seed conforms to the prescribed standards of certification. If found necessary seed inspectors can issue orders to stop the sale of seeds, seize the stocks and initiate prosecution.
3. Grow out test
- It is a test of genetic purity. Samples are drawn both from the source seed and the seed produced and grown in the field along with the standard seed samples of respective variety. By comparison, it can be determined whether varietal purity and health of the seed produced are according to the prescribed standards.
- The objective of grow-out-test is to determine the genetic purity of a given seed lot of a released cultivar and the extent to which the submitted sample conforms to the prescribed standards. Grow out tests are conducted for foundation classes I and II of variety cotton and tomato, hybrid cotton and its parents and hybrids of red gram, castor, tomato, brinjal, musk-melon, true potato seed and seeds of seedless watermelon. Grow out test will be conducted under direct supervision of the Director of Seed Certification
4. Issuance of certificate
- Issuance of Form II to the seeds to be moved out of Tamil Nadu.
- Issuance of following certificate for export of seeds “Certified that the seeds to be exported are not wild species do not belong to foundation or breeder seeds”.
5. Training and Liaison
(a) Orientation training
- Training is given to the newly joined seed certification officers.
(b) Refresher training
- Technical officers already positioned in the department are trained.
(c) Training to seed producers
- Training is given on seed production aspects to Government, Quasi government and Private Seed Producers.
(d) Quality control training to seed dealers
- Training is also given to seed dealers on the regulatory aspects of seed selling and seed legislation.
Last modified: Saturday, 24 March 2012, 7:27 PM