Spastic constipation

Clinical Nutrition
Lesson 16: Constipation

Spastic constipation

A spasm in the intestines causes food to move in an irregular manner. It is also very painful. The spasm may be caused by irritation of the intestinal mucosa through excessive use of –

  • Alcohol
  • Tea/coffee
  • Spices.
  • Bran
  • Laxatives

High strung and nervous people are affected by this type of constipation. Dietary fibre plays an important role in the prevention of constipation.

Fibre has water absorption capacity which contributes to the bulk forming laxative effect and influences the transit time of the food mass through the digestive tract. Water held by fibre increase the volume of feces and softens the stools, causing the colon muscles to contract and propel the food residue quickly.

Dietary fibre plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of diverticular disease also.

Last modified: Friday, 4 November 2011, 9:17 AM