Vitamin A (retinoid) and pro-vitamin A (carotenoids)
- Vision in dim light and color vision
- Promote growth
- Prevent drying of skin and eyes
- Promote resistance to bacterial infection
Poor growth, night blindness, dry skin(keratinization), Xerophthalmia
Preformed vitamin A: liver, fortified milk, fish liver oils Provitamin A: red, orange, dark green, and yellow vegetables, orange fruits
Headache, vomiting, double vision, hair loss, dry mucous membranes, bone and joint pain, fractures, liver damage, hemorrhage, coma
Vitamin D (Chole-and ergo-calciferol
- Facilitates absorption of calcium and phosphorus
- Maintains optimum calcification of bone
Rickets in children, Osteomalacia in older adults Osteoporosis
Egg Yolk, Milk. Exposure to sun enables body to make its own Vitamin D.
Calcification of soft tissues, growth restriction, excess calcium excretion via the kidney.
Vitamin E (Tocopherols Tocotrienols)
- Antioxidant
- Prevent breakdown of vitamin A and unsaturated fatty acids
Hemolysis of red blood cells, Degeneration of sensory neurons
Vegetable oils, nuts, green leafy vegetables
Inhibition of vitamin K metabolism.
Vitamin K (Phyllo- and menaquinone)
Synthesis of blood clotting factors and bone proteins
Hemorrhage, fractures
Green leafy vegetables, liver, also synthesized by intestinal microorganisms
No upper level has been set