
Human Nutrition 3(3+0)
Lesson 40 : Potassium


The functions of potassium include:

  • balances body fluids, regulates nervous and muscular irritability.
  • helps control convulsions, headaches and migraines, promotes faster healing of cuts, bruises and other injuries and generally contributes to a sense of well being.
  • an essential constituent of ECF(extra cellular fluid). Though the level is small (20 mg/100 ml) it influences the activity of muscle
  • regulates water balance and assists recuperative powers.
  • essential for growth and build up of tissues, as every 6.25 g. tissue protein synthesized is accompanied by retention of 117 mg of K in the tissues,
  • essential for the synthesis of glycogen. Every one gram of glycogen synthesized is accompanied by retention of 14 mg K
  • for normal muscular contraction (potassium is lost from the muscle into the ECF and during the recovery phase, potassium ions are withdrawn by the muscle cells from the ECF).
Last modified: Tuesday, 14 February 2012, 10:35 AM