Soft diet

Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition 3(2+1)
Lesson 18:Importance and modification of normal diet to therapeutic diets

Soft diet

  • This is one of the most frequently used routine diets; many hospital patients are placed on this until a diagnosis is made.
  • It bridges the gap between acute illness and convalescence. It may be used in acute infections, following surgery, and for patients who are unable to chew.
  • The soft diet is made up of simple, easily digested food and contains no harsh fibre, low in fat and with mild or no seasoning.
  • It is nutritionally adequate when planned on the basis of a normal diet. Patients with dental problems are given mechanically soft diet.
  • It is often modified further for certain pathologic conditions as bland and low residue diets. In this diet, three meals with intermediate feedings should be given.
  • This diet should provide 1500 kcal and 35-40 g of protein. Light diet should be given before regular diet.
Last modified: Monday, 24 October 2011, 11:00 AM