Personal variables

Creative Experiences for Children 2(1+1)

Lesson 9 : Planning Creative Activities for Children

Personal variables

The research studies have pointed out that many personal factors block the creativity. These factors are unique to the individual and vary according to situations.

  1. Fear of taking a risk: Children in schools have constantly been rewarded for the right answers. To propose something new may lead to disapproval, and ridicule of others. Novel ideas are always risky. The child must be bold enough to propose his new ideas and ready to take risk to show his creativity.
  2. Lack of tolerance for Ambiguity: Some people are unable to tolerate ambiguity. They cannot endure vague and ill fitting ideas. They must have everything in proper place. But creative thinking calls for tolerance for ambiguity.
  3. Quick judging: Judging is basic to creativity. But some people judge too early in the process of solving a problem. As a result of this, many fragile ideas that could possibly lead to other ideas are lost. Quick judging may give less scope for evaluation of ideas.
  4. Lack of Imagination: Creativity requires the manipulation or recombination of ideas based on imagination. Lack of imagination soon stifles creativity. Sometimes assumptions or imagination triggers creative ideas in children.
Last modified: Wednesday, 18 January 2012, 11:03 AM