Role of parents and community in promoting creativity

Creative Experiences for Children 2(1+1)

Lesson 9 : Planning Creative Activities for Children

Role of parents and community in promoting creativity

  • Parents must understand that creativity is a form of problem-solving in which there is no one correct re­sponse or conclusion. It requires adaptability and flexibility of thought. But it is not the same as intelligence. "Just as all children are not equally intelligent, not all children are equally creative".
  • Children need some space, materials and recognition or rewards from parents and also need sufficient time to gain proficiency in handling different media. Parents should not pressurize them to complete their projects hurriedly.
  • Besides teachers and parents giving children opportunities to express themselves through art, music, and movement, the community can use sev­eral strategies to promote children's development in creativity and the arts by sponsoring community-based arts programs for children and families, providing resources to support children's participation in creative expression and the arts, and exhibiting art in public spaces in the community. The community should provide the platform for children to popularize and display their creativity.

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  • Teachers, parents and community should consider the "project approach" is an ideal way to help children communicate and document their creativity. The easel, paints, scissors, construction paper, crayons, clay, blocks, and workbench have long been the staples available to children in most preschool programs. Music, movement, and drama are also all part of the curriculum. Therefore school or community functions give an opportunity to children to showcase their creative talents in public.
  • Likewise, poli­cymakers can develop policies that support creativity and art in school-based and community arts programs, provide support for programs by inviting visiting artists and performers, and provide support for media-based arts programs.
Last modified: Wednesday, 18 January 2012, 11:46 AM