Implications for teachers

Lesson 07: Socio -emotional development during early childhood period

Implications for teachers and Parents for promoting desirable socio-emotional behaviour

  • Children should be encouraged with praise or a pat on the back for any desirable behaviors.
  • Teacher and parents should make a conscious effort not to create a conflict in the child's mind by advocating something and doing the opposite.
  • Children should not be given physical punishment. It only creates humiliation for the child and the child imitates the 'aggressive' behaviour of the adult.
  • If the child has done something undesirable he should be explained how that act is undesirable and that it should not be repeated.
  • Teachers or parents should be consistent in their reactions from one situation to another so that children are very clear about what is desirable and what is not.
  • Parents or teachers should provide a favorable environment for the children by not being very authoritarian or very strict with the children.
  • They should not insist on unquestioning obedience and discipline and should not take all decisions for their children. Otherwise, the child may tend to be timid, may lack confidence and may not be able to take independent decisions.
  • Similarly, they must not be over permissive i.e. they should not just let the child be without any control. If so, the child will confront problems. He will not know the limits of desirable and undesirable behaviour and lack maturity. Then he may not be able to function effectively without proper adult guidance.

It is therefore advised that parents / teachers should let the children have a clear cut and consistent idea of what is desirable/undesirable behaviour. They should encourage children to take decisions under guidance, to freely discuss issues and maintain a trusting relationship with them.

Last modified: Monday, 7 November 2011, 12:16 PM