Lesson 14: Contributions of Western Philosophers to Early childhood education
Mc Millan Sisters
Biographical note : The first nursery school was established in England by Mc Millan Sisters in 1911. They were born in New York.
Nursery curriculum: According to Mc Millan sisters nursery curriculum should include the following six aspects –
Caring Aspects: includes eating, sleeping and outdoor activities. Learning Activities: The younger children should be provided activities to teach self caring skills and form boards. Older children should be given alphabet boards. Perceptual Motor Activities: - Activities for self expression like clay modeling, building blocks etc. Garden Activities: planting trees, beds of flowers and vegetables, herbs were given to provide sensory experiences of taste, smell and vision. Animals were kept for nurturing activities like care, concern and sympathy. Movement Activities: Include movement to extend their physical ability and way of studying music. The knowledge of 3 ‘R’s: As the children grow older they were introduced to reading, writing and arithmetic. The prerequisite skills / basic skills required for these 3 R’s should be given in the nursery.