Rajiv Gandhi National Crèche Scheme for the children of working mothers Government of India

Entrepreneurship in Childcare Services 4 (2+2)

Lesson 23 : National and International Organizations

Rajiv Gandhi National Crèche Scheme for the children of working mothers Government of India

This scheme is involved in giving financial support for establishment of new creches and training of the creche workers.

  1. Establishment of new creches:
    The new creches will be sanctioned to the present Implementing Agencies, viz, Central Social Welfare Board, Indian Council for Child Welfare and Bhartiya Adim Jati Sevak Sangh. The Creches will be allocated to a State/UT on the basis of the proportion of child population. Uncovered districts/ tribal areas under the scheme will be given highest priority while extending the scheme to ensure balanced regional coverage. Priority will be given to 87 uncovered districts, i.e. those districts that do not have even one creche.

  2. Training of the creche workers:
    The component of Training deals with giving orientation to the Crèche Workers as well as the implementing agencies to provide better services and to build up child friendly environment in the Centre. A short term training will be provided to every crèche worker and helper. The training module, which will be made with the help of NIPCCD will be provided through training agencies that will be identified with the help of State Governments.
  3. The programme provides assistance for developing comprehensive day-care services for the babies (0-6 year) of working and other deserving women provided the monthly-income of both the parents does not exceed Rs. 12000/-.
    Financial assistance will be given for recurring expenditures for items like
    salaries, supplementary nutrition, emergency medicines etc. and for non
    recurring expenditures. The Government assistance can only be on a limited scale and should not induce too much dependence on the part of the voluntary institutions on such help and the efforts of the voluntary sector should be to utilize the Government assistance towards snowballing resources for widening the scope of the programme with increasing voluntary contributions.

  4. Schematic pattern
    The present scheme will provide assistance to NGOs for running crèches for babies (0-6 years) and would provide assistance to ensure sleeping facilities, health-care, supplementary nutrition, immunization etc. for running a crèche for 25 babies for eight hours i.e. from 9.00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. The schematic pattern of expenditure is indicated below:-

    1. Recurring Grant
      Recurring Grant admissible for grant Ceiling of Expenditure Grant
      1. Honorarium to workers per crèche (two workers) Rs. 2000/- per Month Rs.2000/-(100%)
      2. Supplementary nutrition per crèche (for 25 children @ Rs. 2.08 per child for 26 days. Rs. 1352/- per month Rs. 1217/- (90%)
      3. Emergency medicine and Contingencies (per crèche) Rs. 350/- per month Rs. 315/- (90%)
    2. Non-recurring Grant Admissible Grant Ceiling of Expenditure Grant
      Non-recurring grant for the period of five years Rs. 10,000/- and a subsequent grant of Rs. 5000/- at an interval of five years towards replacement of consumable stores on cent percent basis. Rs. 10,000/- (100%) once in the beginning of every new crèche) Rs. 3000/- (100% at five years intervals).
Last modified: Thursday, 9 February 2012, 6:42 AM