Programme of assistance for innovations in child development and welfare: This programme is being funded through the NCF for undertaking innovative activities in the field of welfare and development of children. It provides Grants In Aid (GIA) to voluntary organizations for the welfare of children, including rehabilitation of destitute children, particularly preschool age children especially belonging to SCs/ STs and other back ward classes. The financial assistance to the voluntary organizations is a one time grant limited to 90 per cent of the approved estimated cost of the programme / project and not exceeding Rs 1,00,000. Some of the activities assisted under NCF are
vocational training in tailoring, sewing, printing and composing, motor mechanics, TV & Radio repairing, handicrafts and leather goods making and motor winding
purchase of vehicles, production of films, construction of low cost buildings etc.
The financial assistance will be given to those voluntary organizations which are registered under appropriate registration act and are working on nonprofit basis and also should have resources to run the center effectively. The financial position of the organization should be sound so as to be able to rise additional funds that may be required to complete the programme as also to continue the aided activities after the grant is fully utilized for a period of five years. Further the NCF will not give financial assistance if the center is getting financial support from other sources.