Creches / Day Care Centres for Children of Working Women / Ailing Mothers

Entrepreneurship in Childcare Services 4 (2+2)

Lesson 23 : National and International Organizations

Creches / Day Care Centres for Children of Working Women / Ailing Mothers

This scheme gets financial assistance from CSWB to organizations to set up creche units to provide day care services for the children of working and ailing mothers belonging to the lower income groups, the children of those woman who are sick or incapacitated due to sickness or suffering from communicable diseases are also covered under the scheme. Financial assistance is given to the implementing agency for each creche unit of 25 children @ Rs 18,480/ per annum for recurring expenditure and Rs-4000/ for non- recurring items. After completion of 5 years a sum of Rs 2000/ is given as replenishment grants for each sum unit. The services available to the children’s include sleeping and day-care facilities, supplementary nutrition , immunization, medicines and entertainment.

Last modified: Thursday, 9 February 2012, 6:59 AM