Characteristics of curriculum planning

Lesson 18: Factors influencing Curriculum Planning in ECE

Characteristics of curriculum planning

Curriculum should be flexible: The growth of the children is dynamic. Hence the programme should not be rigid. It should be flexible and centered on the activities of children. Flexibility should be on the basis of individual differences, seasons, availability of resources, teacher’s resourcefulness etc. At the same time, it should be challenging, simple and stimulating, keeping the interests of children in mind.

Balance between group and individual activities: The programme should be balanced between group and individual activities. The teacher should make sure that each child gets an opportunity for individual work as well as group work.

Balance between Free play and guided activities: Each day for a certain amount of time children should be allowed to play on their own. It gives the opportunity to explore, investigate and find out the different possibilities of using different types of play materials. The guided activities are teacher initiated, where planning is done by the teacher before presenting them to the whole group.

Active play to follow passive play: The programme should alter between active and passive play. If the children are taken outdoors for free play then that activity should be followed by a quiet indoor activity, as too much physical activity makes the children exhausted. Similarly, with sedentary activities, they become restless and bored.

Should be functional and meaningful: The programme should be functional and meaningful. It should be related to the project theme. Activities should be related to the society and community and should inculcate socially approved values.

Should cater to the developmental needs of children: Based on the developmental needs and capabilities of children of different age groups, the programme has to be planned. Curriculum should be focused based on the complexity of the activities. Individual child’s developmental needs also should be considered.

Should provide concrete first hand experiences: Child should be given opportunity to explore and manipulate things. The teacher has to plan for field trips and nature walks.

Should meet the overall development of children: The programme should aim at enhancing the overall development of children with balanced activities.

Last modified: Wednesday, 9 November 2011, 7:56 AM