Antenatal care

Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

Lesson 14 : Maternal Welfare Services

Antenatal care

A medical supervision given to a pregnant woman and her baby starting from the time of conception up to the delivery of baby. It helps to maintain the good health during pregnancy, labour and child care and it also provides a means of detecting problems with pregnancy at an early stage. Different tests like, blood pressure, weight, urine test, examination of heart, breasts and vagina will be carried out. An ultra sound scanning can be done to detect the health and condition of the baby.

Mid wifery service:
In towns and cities, institutional mid wifery service will be provided as a general rule, by hospitals and maternity homes. In rural areas a few maternity beds are provided in a primary health centre. A woman who is expected to have a normal delivery is encouraged to have her baby at home provided conditions in the home are good. These home deliveries are attended by mid wives or dais employed in the MCH centre. Post natal care in the lying - in period is given by the mid wife who delivers the woman. General supervision is done by MCH doctor.

Last modified: Tuesday, 14 February 2012, 10:25 AM