Qualities of a competent counselor

Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

Lesson 21 : Programmes for Youth - Youth counseling

Qualities of a competent counselor

A counsellor should have genuine interest in the youth with an aptitude for counsellll1g work. He should have mental maturity, as demonstrated in his personal life. He should have good and pleasing personality and should be able to attract the youth. He should have a sympathetic, friendly attitude, a sense of humour, patience, objectivity, tact and intelligence. He should be sensitive to the needs of others. He should ha, also an understanding of human psychology, particularly the psychology of the adolescents and their problems.

The counsellor should have experience in the following fields:

  1. Case work
  2. Group work-handling adolescents through clubs, playground, class room etc.
  3. Knowledge of the industries and commercial establishments with working conditions in the community
  4. Experience of conducting occupational service
  5. experience of measurement of growth and development in the aptitudes of the youth
  6. Research experience in guidance programme
Last modified: Thursday, 16 February 2012, 5:36 AM