Discipline among youth

Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

Lesson 21 : Programmes for Youth - Youth counseling

Discipline among youth

One of the problems concerning our youth is the lack of discipline among the youth, as well as the community. The concept of discipline among youth has to be understood in the context of discipline in the society as a whole. Moreover the term 'discipline' is understood differently by the youth and the adult members of the society. According to the adults, confor­mity with the prevailing standards and traditional values are considered as matters of discipline, whereas some of the young person’s do not basically agree with these social values.

The country has witnessed large scale strikes in colleges, universities and other educational institutions as also the indus­trial establishments. As a result of the emergency imposed in the country, though some people did feel the impact of the emergency, yet the method of imposing discipline on the youth was not based on any principles of psychology and sociology. It was felt that it was only a temporary phase. Though the political situation in the country has changed, the question of inculcating discipline among the young person’s still remains unsolved. It is, therefore, necessary that conditions should be created under which the young person’s realize the importance of discipline not only for their welfare but for the welfare of the community.

Though, there is a need for changing the basic system of education as well as the structure of the society, yet one thing is very clear that if the youth are involved in national reconstruction programmes, it can go a long way in inculcating positive approach to life among the youth. If the projects of social service by the youth are well-organized and the youth start feeling the impact of those projects on the society, this will help in better and lasting discipline. Thus for enforcing discipline in the society, it is not only the youth who has to contribute but he is part of the whole society. It must be geared to a disciplined life.

Last modified: Wednesday, 14 March 2012, 9:31 AM