Parent’s Participation

Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

Lesson 33 : Types of Day Care Centers: Nursery School Programme

Parent’s Participation

In this programme a child's family bas to make an equally important contribution. The parents and the teachers should help the child to become gradually accustomed to separation' from the family.

  1. The parents should prepare the child for new experi­ence. It may be necessary for the parents to go with the child to the school for first one or two days and spend some time in the play area. He should not be left suddenly in the school.
  2. The parents should not feel impatient if the child is timid or is slow to learn. He should be given proper time and .opportunities.
  3. The parents should have medical checkup of the child before sending him to the school.
  4. The parents should take interest in the activities of the child and encourage this friendship with other class-mates.

The parents should be very frank and honest with the teacher so as to give him/her an idea of child's personality.

Last modified: Monday, 20 February 2012, 6:30 AM