
Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

Lesson 33 : Types of Day Care Centers: Nursery School Programme


Every nursery school should have sufficient equipment to meet the various needs of a growing child. These equipment are:

  1. Equipment for Block Building:This includes equip­ment easy to handle and to induce the child to build something and to knock it down. These blocks are used for making bridges, boats, trains, houses, etc.

  2. House-keeping:The children of nursery age should have opportunities to learn house-keeping. They should learn to clean, cook, eat, wash, play and on being mother, father or attending the baby. They should be provided with dolls, beds, cupboards, small dishes and other utensils. Housekeeping play offer the child an opportunity to have many experiences, to master new situations and to identify with the adult world in this way.

  3. Music, Dance and Drama:The children also could have some music and drama equipment. Drama is a means through which the child unconsciously expresses happy and unhappy feelings, his fears, anxieties and desires. These activities create conditions for the proper growth of a child and help the teacher to understand the child.

  4. Drawing, Painting, Coloring, Finger Painting etc.:The children also need certain equipment in creative arts, e.g. scissors, pictures, paper colours and brushes for painting. The child enjoys doing and creating things for the sake of doing.

  5. Play Area:Every nursery should have proper space for play activities. The play area should have an even and smooth ground, with provision even for sand and mud in different cor­ners. It should have outdoor play equipment like seesaw, swing, toddler tower, low ladders, climber, rocking horses etc. The play space could be decorated with flowers, plants, pictures and wall paintings. Children need to run, push, pull, jump, lift, throw, climb and pedal. While providing equipment these needs should be borne in mind.

  6. Educational Equipment:Letters, numbers, books, charts, maps, globes, scientific equipment etc., are necessary for learn­ing. Children enjoy use of sand, water, clay for making various objects. This material is very necessary for a child at the age of three for satisfying his needs. Play material for out­door and indoor games are also a part of the essential equip­ment of a day-nursery. Some of the natural things like trees, stones, water plants and animals are perfect educational mate­rial. Similarly various kinds of grains, leaves, vegetables, fruits etc. help the child to understand things around him.

  7. Furniture:Apart from providing various equipment and creative material, the children should be provided with necessary furniture-desks, chairs, or a duree (carpet) and low open shelves to keep things. These equipment and furniture should be durable, convenient and safe to use. The teacher should also teach the children about the proper maintenance and up-keep of various equipment.
Last modified: Monday, 20 February 2012, 6:40 AM