Lesson 03: Application of educational philosophies / theories to ECE
Tarabai modak
Tarabai Modak is a great pioneer in pre-school education and child welfare programme in India. She evolved a simple Anganwadi (a courtyard or open school) on a rural pattern for pre-school care.
Main features of Anganwadi or Meadow School Concept:
It is meant for village children between the age of 3 and 6.
It is a school located in the courtyard or open space or under a tree in the village.
It is looked after by a motherly village woman.
The motherly village woman is trained in the basic principles of child care including play techniques.
Ordinary local equipment is used for teaching and learning.
This Programme was basically launched for the tribal children of Kosabad hills in Maharashtra. . It now runs a complex of educational institutions beginning from ‘Balwadi’ to a ‘high school’, training institution for teachers at different levels and a workshop for educational materials. The meadow school concept is now turned into non- formal education. After training the trainees set up Anganwadis in villages to devise play materials and elicit community support.
Last modified: Wednesday, 19 October 2011, 7:46 AM