Piaget stages Stages of intelligence/cognitive development

Personality Development 2(1+1)

Lesson 13 : Piaget’s Theory of Intelligence and Personality

Piaget stages Stages of intelligence/cognitive development

  1. Sensory – motor stage: Birth to 18months - formation of increasingly complex sensory and motor schemas that allow infant to organize and exercise some control over its environment. Child explores the environment using its sensory and motor abilities, which indicate rapid progression in this period, thereby helping the child with increasingly complex understanding of the environment.

  2. Preoperational stage:1 ½ year to 2 years 5 - 6 years - Child involves in imitation, symbolic play, representational skills develops – drawing/painting. Language skills develop. Knowledge is still tied to his own perceptions of the world around him – that is the child is in an egocentric world.

  3. Concrete operational stage: 6 - 7 years to 11-12 years- Child can understand and deal with categories, classification and seriation of objects; Child can solve problems related physical reality.

  4. Formal operational stage: adolescence to adult hood – understand laws and rules underlying physical reality. Conceptualization skills improve. Can create a system of laws and hypotheses to handle problem solving situations.

Last modified: Tuesday, 13 March 2012, 11:03 AM