Technical Terms

Lesson 17 and 18 : Arches

Technical Terms

The definitions of technical terms used in connection with the arch are presented below.

  • Intrados: The inner curve of the arch.1

  • Soffit: The inner surface of the arch. Sometimes, the terms, intrados and soffit are treated as synonymous.

  • Extrados or back: The external curve of an arch.

  • Voussoirs: The wedge-shaped units forming the courses of an arch.

  • Skewback: The inclined or splayed surface on the abutment. It is prepared to receive the arch and form it, springs the arch.

  • Springer: The first voussoir at springing level on either side of an arch.

  • Crown: The highest point of the extrados.

  • Key: The wedge-shaped unit at the crown of an arch. It is sometimes made prominent by making it of a larger section and projecting it below and above the outlines of an arch.

  • Abutment: The end support of an arch.

  • Piers: The intermediate supports of an arcade.

  • Springing points: The points from which the curve of an arch springs.

  • Springing line: The imaginary horizontal line joining the two springing points.

  • Span: The clear horizontal distance between the supports.

  • Rise: The clear vertical distance between the highest point on the intrados and the springing line.

  • Centre: The geometrical centre of the curve of an arch.

  • Ring: The circular course forming an arch.

  • Depth or height: the perpendicular distance between the intrados and extrados.

  • Spandril: The irregular triangular space formed between the extrados and the horizontal line drawn tangent to the crown.

  • Haunch: The lower half portion of the arch between the crown and the skewback.

  • Arcade: Arrow of arches supporting a wall above and being supported by piers.
Last modified: Saturday, 21 April 2012, 11:17 AM