Brick Arches

Lesson 17 and 18 : Arches

Classification Based On Material And Workmanship

Brick Arches

Brick arches may be classified as rough brick arch, axed or rough cut brick arch, gauged brick arch and purpose made brick arch, depending upon the nature of workmanship and quality of bricks used.

  1. Rough Brick Arch17

  2. This type of arch is constructed with ordinary bricks, without cutting these to the shape of voussoirs. In order to provide the arch curve, the joints are made wedge-shaped, with greater thickness at the extrados and smaller thickness in intrados. Due to this, the appearance of the arch is spoiled. Therefore, this type of arch is not used for exposed brick work.

  3. Axed Brick Arch18

  4. In this arch, the bricks are cut wedge-shaped with the help of brick axe. Due to this the joints are of uniform thickness along the radial line. However, the appearance of the arch is not very pleasant because the bricks cut to wedge- shapes are not finely dressed.

  5. Gauged Brick Arch19

  6. This type of arch is constructed of bricks which are prepared to exact size and shape of voussoir by cutting it by means of wire saw. The surfaces of the bricks are fine dressed with the help of a file. For this, only soft brick (called rubber bricks) are used. The joints formed in gauged brick are fine, thin (1to 1.5mm) and truly radial. Lime putty is used for jointing.

  7. Purpose Made Bricks Arch

  8. In this type of arch, the bricks are manufactured, matching with the exact shape and size of voussoirs, to get a very fine workmanship. Lime putty is used for jointing.

Last modified: Saturday, 21 April 2012, 10:58 AM