Process Of Varnishing

Lesson 27 : Painting, Varnishing, Distempering And White-Washing

Process Of Varnishing

Application of varnish on wood work is carried out in the following steps.

  1. Preparation of surface: The wood surface is made smooth by thoroughly rubbing it by means of sand paper or pumice stone.

  2. Knotting: The process of knotting is carried out exactly in the same way as adopted for painting wood work.

  3. Stopping: Stopping is done by means of hot weak glue size so that pores on the surface are filled up. Alternately, boiled linseed oil can be applied in two coats. The dry surface then be rubbed down with sand paper.

  4. Coat of varnish: On the cleaned surface, two or more coats of varnish are applied. Next coat is applied only when the previous coat has dried up thoroughly.
Last modified: Monday, 2 July 2012, 10:00 AM