
Lesson 27 : Painting, Varnishing, Distempering And White-Washing


Distempers are considered to be water-paints. A distemper is composed of the following:

A base, such as whiting or chalk.

A carrier( water)

A binder, such as glue or casein.

Colouring pigments.

Water – bound distempers are available in power or paste form, and they are mixed with hot water before use. Oil bound distempers are a variety of oil paint, in which the drying oil is so treated that it mixed with water. Glue or casein is the emulsifying agent. Oil bound distempers are washable. Distempers are cheaper than oil paints. They are generally light in colour and they provide good reflective coating. However, they are less durable than oil paints.

Last modified: Monday, 2 July 2012, 10:00 AM