Network Methods

Basics in Building Construction 4(2+2)

Lesson 31 and 32 : Construction Project Management

Methods Of Planning And Scheduling

Network Methods

In view of the inherent draw backs and limitations of the conventional methods of planning and scheduling explained above, it was felt necessary to evolve effective and more efficient method of planning and scheduling of projects. More over, conventional methods were found to be very inadequate for planning, scheduling and monitoring of large projects involving thousands of activities. To tackle complex projects an improved method of planning the projects was evolved. The evolution of a new technique is termed as Network Technique. The two network methods are Evolution and Review Technique (PERT), The Critical Path Method (CPM).

  1. Critical Pat Method (CPM)

    This method was developed in USA in 1957 by Morganer and Kelly. This method was first used for planning , scheduling and controlling of repetitive type of projects like construction projects, where one can make fairly accurate assessment of time for completion of each and every job required to be carried out to complete the project.

  2. Progam Evaluation And Review Technique (PERT)
  3. The PERT technique was first developed in 1958 by USA Navy’s special project officer and a management consulting firm for planning and control of the Polaris sub-marine missile project. The problem faced by the USA Navy in this project was that of co-ordinating several thousands agencies and contractors responsible for execution of the project. The technique of PERT was specially developed to meet this situation and application of the same helped in reducing the overall project time by as much as two years.

    PERT networks are generally used in research and development type of projects or projects which are non repetitive in nature or for projects where it is difficult to allot definite time for performing each and every activity for want of information regarding past experience or knowledge to handle such projects.

    However with the passage of time numerous techniques and modifications were developed in the PERT and CPM to meet widely and varying requirements of projects.

    Both PERT as well as CPM techniques describe the plan of a project in the form of arrow diagram, also known as network diagram. To understand PERT and CPM it is essential to understand elements of Network

Last modified: Monday, 2 July 2012, 10:22 AM