Causes / sources

Lesson 20: Thermal pollution and nuclear hazards

Causes / sources

  1. Exposure of radiation may occur from isotopic fallout ( alpha-, beta-, gamma- emitting isotopes).
  2. The radioactive cloud that carries the fallout from fission weapons emits radiation. This radiation is called cloud shine.
  3. Radiation can also come from fallout those deposits on the ground. This radiation is called ground shine.
  4. Radioactive weapons are explosive devices intended to spread radioactive material over a target area and cause harm (to people). The radioactive zone can be influenced by environmental conditions such as wind direction and speed as well as by location of the detonation.
  5. A radiological incident involving a radiological weapon could have serious impact on health and also property values.
  6. Nuclear accidents lead to public and worker exposures to radiation. Such accidents can lead to release of alpha-, beta- & gamma- emitting radio-nuclides.
  7. People are exposed to radiation in mainly two modes:
    1. From radiation sources outside the body (external exposure).
    2. From radioactive substances that are inhaled or ingested into the body (internal exposure).
  8. Radiation sources are used to diagnose and treat cancer. This leads to exposure of both patients and medical personnel.
  9. Nuclear bomb blast.
  10. Release by nuclear power plants .

Last modified: Monday, 2 January 2012, 12:41 PM