


  1. Contamination of ground water.
  2. Presence of pesticide residues in soil or the bottom of lakes or rivers.
  3. Exposure to pesticides through ingestion, inhalation and skin contact result in acute or chronic poisoning.
  4. Lead is a heavy metal used in batteries, fuel, pesticides, paints and pipes. When these are disposed after use, since lead is a hazardous waste, it is absorbed and stored in bones and affect RBC by reducing the ability to carry oxygen and shortening their life span. Lead may also damage nerve tissue and causes brain disease.
  5. Mercury is another hazardous material used in the production of chlorine and in the production of plastics. In aquatic ecosystem, when mercury based products are dumped, plankton absorbs the mercury which is turn is consumed by fish. Fish will develop bio-accumulation and causes brain damage.
  6. Poly chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are resistant to fire. They do not break down rapidly, would be concentrated in kidneys and liver leads to reproductive failure in birds and mammals.
  7. Vinyl chloride is used in the manufacture of plastics. Continuous exposure to this causes deafness, vision problems, circulation disorders and bone deformities and birth defects.
Last modified: Tuesday, 3 January 2012, 5:50 AM