Needs and Characteristics

Lesson 15 : Housing Environment for Special Needs - Aged & Elderly

Needs and Characteristics

Technological products, the living environments and social services have increased the ability of elderly to live independently and reduce the stress of the care givers. In general as age advances the homeostatic mechanisms became blunted and postural instability became apparent. The functional result of ageing is a gait that is characteristic by a shorter pace and the tendency to fall. The reasons / causes for falls are intrinsic or physiological and extrinsic / household. The common extrinsic causes of falls are generally housing interior arrangement related they are

  • Environmental, uneven flooring, stairs or steps, ramps, irregular path ways and pavements etc.,
  • Mobility / prosthetic aids (e.g. frames / sticks)
  • Poor illumination
  • Loose rugs or mats
  • Trailing electrical / telephone wiring
  • Pets
  • Furniture / chairs etc.,
  • Water & oils on the floor (specially in the kitchen & bathrooms)
  • Smooth flooring/stone flooring in kitchen / bathrooms.

Thus the need of the elderly for special housing is dependent on these physical, physiological and environmental characteristics. The needs of the elderly /aged are basically security, independence, involvement and privacy. Consideration should cater to physiological & psychological aspects as follows.



Sight deterioration

Memory loss

Loss of hearing

Loneliness due to gradual loss of attention

Joint pains

Anxiety & depression

Unsteady gait

Low self esteem

Reduced mobility

Lack of financial security

Health problems

The requirement of housing for the aged / elderly is a normalized environment which requires removal of unnecessary environmental barriers to facilitate integration of these people with the rest of the society. Accessibility is the key word for normalization. Location of the room, openings, recreation and circulation are important character.

Elderly persons may suffer impaired mobility. Sight disabilities (partially or fully) hearing disabilities or any other physical difficulties, for which the design guidelines for them within and outside the buildings and facilities shall be similar to those for other physically disabled persons.

Last modified: Monday, 9 July 2012, 6:27 AM