Upholstered Furniture

Furniture and Furnishings 3(1+2)

Lesson 08: Care And Maitenance Of Different Types Of Furniture

Upholstered Furniture

There is a wide range of upholstery materials ranging from cloth nto velvet to leather and other synthetic materials. Upholstered furniture should be used carefully. Special care should be taken of materials that cannot be washed often. Frequent brushing of the surface will prevent the dirt from settling into the fabric. A suitable brush must be found to reach all corners and folds. Provided the fabric is sturdy, one can lightly beat the upholstered seat. A grease absorbent can be used to absorb any oily stains or spills. Solvents like petrol, carbon tetrachloride and spirit can be applied with a linen pad and rubbed on to the stained surface. Suction cleaners can also be used effectively. Special cleaning may require the removal of the upholstery and refixing the same after washing or dry cleaning. Leather and synthetic material upholstery are comparatively easier to maintain. Brushing or an occasional damp cloth suffice to keep them clean.

Last modified: Monday, 19 March 2012, 12:23 PM