Types Of Family

Housing And Space Management 3(2+1)

Lesson 02 : Family And Changing Housing Needs

Types Of Family

Nuclear family:
  • A nuclear family is a family group consisting of only a father and mother and their children, who share their dwelling.
  • Nuclear families can be of any size, as long as they are parents and there own children.

Joint family:

  • This consists of members of 3-4 generations living under the same roof.


  • All the male members are blood relatives and all the women are mothers, wives, daughter in-laws and unmarried daughters.
  • The joint family status being the result of birth, possession of joint cord that knit s the members of the family together.
  • The family in India is mostly headed by a patriarch, usually the oldest male, who makes decisions on economic and social matters.

Extended family:

  • An extended family group is immediate family members living together with extra-nuclear family members such as grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, and nieces and nephews.
  • An extended family may live together as a single household.
  • Often there could be many generations living under the same roof, depending on the circumstances.

Last modified: Tuesday, 12 June 2012, 7:54 AM