Garden structures


Lesson 11:Garden Adornments And Structures

Garden structures

Green house, glass house, conservatory, ferny and shade house are some of the garden structures with slight different purposes.

Green House and Glass House

  • The green houseis a covered structure for growing plants inside with or without climate control.
  • In green house the climate is controlled for cultivation of crops under protected environment, particularly when it is not possible to grow the crop in the open due to unfavorable climatic conditions.
  • The term glass house is used to include all the glass plant houses, but there are other glass houses also in which plants are not grown.
  • Green house includes a glass house for plants and any other structure including Lath house for growing shade loving or greenhouse plants

  • In America, the term green house means any type of glass building inside which plants are grown, except the structures such as cold frames and hotbeds.
  • In England, the term is defined as glass structure in which plants not requiring a high temperature are cultivated or displayed.
  • According to the British terminology, the term may include house in which plants are grown from seed to maturity, or may mean a house exclusively used for displaying plants which were grown up to the flowering stage in another house.
  • In a greenhouse, plants are exclusively grown in pots and tubs.
Last modified: Monday, 12 December 2011, 12:30 PM