
Lesson 30 : Management Of Time In Family Living


Management is the key to happy living Resources of a family are used to achieve family goals. An effective management ensures the we of family resources for the greatest satisfaction of the family.

Time management is a significant aspect of the management of all resources. It is required for every human being irrespective of their nature of work –be it a labour, student, housewife, professional or any job holder or unpaid worker. Time is an intangible resource and it provides an organizing media for our lives a common denominator- with in which we operate. Developing a time sense is a help in management of time. The individual who has a good time sense can control the use of time.

Every one has 24 hours in a day and time is one resources which is equally distributed to every individual both rich and poor share the time alike effective time management needs the realization of the fact that time has value. It can be used carefully and fruitfully according to the demands. The use of time that will mean the most in the attainment of individual and family goals in the real objective of time management. Time is a quantitative resource that can be measured, but it is an intangible resource. Its classification also varies with different authors. Gross, Crandall and Knoll classified it as a human resource, where as others have classified it as a non human resource. Time is the focal point around which other resources are allocated and used.

Last modified: Saturday, 24 March 2012, 4:09 AM