Efforts Used In Home Making Activities

Lesson 39 : Energy Management

Efforts Used In Home Making Activities

Whatever may be the activity or the job to be performed, it requires several types of efforts like mental effort, visual effort, manual effort, tarsal effort and pedal effort. Each effort demands different quantity of energy expenditure.

Mental effort is required to do any task, even the routine tasks like cooking cleaning, washing, etc. though these tasks are performed daily, still one has to think about the way in which it has to be performed and mentally organise the task in sequence.

All the activities involve visual effort, although we are not aware of it. Muscular movement of the eye and adjustment of vision to the object at different distances and lighting conditions continuously take place while performing any work. This requires energy. Manual effort is required for all the household activities to be performed like cooking, cleaning, mapping, washing etc.

Torsal effort involves movement of the torsal and hence is termed as torsal efforts. These include bending, leaning, raising, turning etc. These are needed in doing more strenuous activities and demand higher energy costs.

Some of the activities in the house involve use of legs and feet movement i.e., standing, walking, climbing stairs etc. Since the whole body needs to be moved around these activities have heavy energy demands. It is called pedal efforts.

Household activities require a combination of more than one type of effort. In ordered to have well balanced energy expenditure pattern, the home maker needs to know the energy cost of various activities and also which activity is most tiring one. The energy costs are calculated based on oxygen consumption per minute or on heart rate (beats per minute).

Last modified: Saturday, 24 March 2012, 9:52 AM