Plan Oblique

Lesson 6:Oblique Projection Drawings

Plan Oblique

A plan oblique is a three-dimensional representation of a room or space. The view is one of looking down into the area. It is necessary to have a design concept and floor plan established. The floor plan is a two-dimensional view. It provides the length and width of walls in the space.
It shows length and width of all objects within it, such as furniture, counters and cabinets. The floor plan is drawn to scale. An example of a scale is 1 / 4” =1’-0”. The plan is rotated to suit a desired view. A common rotation angle is 60/ 30 degrees. (Figure – 1)
Vertical lines are projected from points on the plan to provide the height of the walls and objects. To avoid a distorted appearance the vertical lines are normally drawn at a portion of the scale of the plan. Vertical lines are usually at a half to a third of the scale used for the plan.
A plan oblique provides a visual means of understanding the layout of the objects within the space. With the addition of details to each object the design concept is easily interpreted. Dimensions, such as length and width are often applied to the drawing as it is drawn to scale.
In some cases, a wall or portion of a wall is eliminated to provide a better view of certain design details that the wall will block when included.


Last modified: Thursday, 20 October 2011, 9:24 AM