Types of design

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Lesson 1 : Design: Types and Its Aspects

Types of design

The designs in the garment are of two types:

  1. Structural design
  2. Applied design

Structural design
Structural design refers to the basic construction of the garment where in design is an integral part of the structure itself such that the structure and design cannot be separated. The design is made by the line, colour and texture by following certain guidelines that creates size and shape of the garment and its parts (Fig. 1.3). It is more important than the applied design as it encompasses essential components of the design. The structural design of the garment has the capability to modify the figure, correct imperfection and in some periods of fashion become extreme where it almost conceal or reveal figure.
The points that need consideration to make a good structural design are as follows:


  • suitability to purpose besides being good-looking
  • simple in appearance
  • well proportion among different components and the whole design
  • appropriate to the fabric used in its composition

Applied design
Applied design refers to the ornamentation by means of surface enrichment of the structural design, thereby making the structure more impressive (Fig. 1.4). It involves application of trims on the basic form of the structural design to add the luxury component to it. It is also called decorative design since the end purpose is decoration.


A good design should follow certain points as given below:

  • means of enrichment should be reliable to its use
  • garment is precious, so needs decoration
  • structural design is simple and plain but beautiful

The decoration in the garment should have following features:

  • should be moderate
  • should strengthen the shape of the object
  • should be placed at structural points
  • should have sufficient background space to give an effect of the simplicity and dignity
  • should be suitable for material and for the service it ought to give
  • add importance and charm to the most beautiful features of the garment
Last modified: Friday, 16 March 2012, 6:17 AM