Decorative Design and its Purposes

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Lesson 1 : Design: Types and Its Aspects

Decorative Design and its Purposes

Decorative design incorporates only exterior in the garments. It neither affects fit nor performance of the garment, but contributes to the over all purpose of the garment. It is least important among the three aspects of a design. It acts sub ordinate to and must agree with both structural and functional design. Functional components of the garments like openings, belts, buttons, structural seams, darts, gathers may be decorative due to the visual stimuli they provide besides contributing to the fit and performance. The design that offers only visual effects is decorative only (Fig. 1.7). The colour, constructional details and decorative trims are three common ways to incorporate decorative design into structural design. A well designed garment thus offers adequate visual stimuli through structural lines and shapes, attractive fabric colours and creatively used textures.


Last modified: Tuesday, 24 January 2012, 8:05 AM