Goal setting

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Lesson 2 : Design As Process

Goal setting

The first step of the design process is to set objectives to be attained. These objectives can be:

  • broad; for all garments in general
  • specific; for garments fulfilling special needs

The setting of objectives involves certain decisions related to desired result or end product one wants to realize. It helps an individual as follows:

  • focus efforts by establishing the specific targets to be achieved
  • suggests variety of possible means to achieve the established targets
  • removes impractical and worthless paths, saving the wastage of both resources and energy

The objectives set by the clothing designer help to take decisions about the following:

  • the basic materials; it may be fabrics, furs, leathers or other pliable material with technical properties
  • the secondary materials; involving decorations and other means of surface enrichment

Thus, a general objective establishes range of possibilities, removes worthlessness and offers guidelines for a target to be achieved while specific objective may be established out of stimulation or artistic experimentation along the way of achieving the general objectives with an aim to have innovative, distinct and versatile end product.

Last modified: Tuesday, 24 January 2012, 8:34 AM